AI-CUBE Workshop for AI & BD Technologies Experts in the process industry – Gaps Analysis, Opportunities and Barriers – THE RESULTS

11 Mar 2022
On the 23rd of February 2022, the project consortium held the AI-CUBE Workshop for AI & BD Technologies Experts in the process industry – Gaps Analysis, Opportunities and Barriers.
The event, moderated by Alicia Martinez de Yuso from Zaragoza Logistics Center, gathered 40 experts in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies applied to the 10 SPIRE sectors (Cement, Ceramics, Chemicals, Engineering, Non-ferrous metals, Minerals, Refining, Pulp & Paper, Steel, Water) to discuss and identify opportunities to do more with these technologies.
Based on a literature search of more than 150 references, AI-CUBE has identified the most representative AI & BD solutions per sector, technology, process and application. An analysis of this work served as a starting point for the experts to contribute with solutions of AI & BD technology applied in their sector according to their expertise. Through a collaborative space, the consortium collected all the input of the experts per sector, which also validated and completed a set of business concerns by sector giving AI-CUBE valuable input on the main issues to be addressed and opportunities for AI & BD technologies in the industry.
Finally, the main barriers for the implementation of AI & BD solutions in the industry identified in AI-CUBE were analysed by the experts and associated with the SPIRE sectors, creating the baseline for future recommendations to overcome specific barriers for AI & BD applications and per sector in AI-CUBE.
All the results of the workshops are valuable input from AI & BD experts in the industry in view of the development of the AI-CUBE guidelines for the implementation of AI & BD solutions in the SPIRE industry.
You can still help us with your insights! We are looking for real implementation cases in the SPIRE sectors, so if you have an artificial intelligence or big data solution implemented in your organization, we want to know all about it! Please fill in this form… it will take you just 5 minutes!